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Innovation station: A new approach towards online and blended education.
Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, education systems needed change. In a post-pandemic world, it is evident that these changes are no longer an option, but a necessity.
Teachers need the skills to navigate the digital classroom and to make lessons palatable and useful to their students, moving from oppositional to collaborative approaches. Students need to develop the aforementioned skills to thrive in a classroom environment which requires a more active approach to learning.
The project aims to bring together students and teachers to explore solutions and ways to bring about these much needed changes in the education system. It foresees, on the one hand, the development of a guide for teachers on online education, and on the other, a MOOC and social media content on self-directed learning for students, together with a set of policy recommendations and dissemination events to increase the impact and outreach of these tools and encourage policy change.
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